2 euro commemorative

Messages : 24
Inscription : Ven Mai 09, 2008 10:51 pm
Localisation : Québec

2 euro commemorative

Messagepar dubem1 » Ven Sep 05, 2008 9:12 pm

Est-ce un bon investissement?

Messages : 106
Inscription : Jeu Oct 19, 2006 9:21 pm
Localisation : Wellington,New Zealand.
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Messagepar Royalist0007 » Sam Sep 20, 2008 2:40 am

Can you please post up some photos? There has been a lot of commemorative 2 Euro coins issued,especially in 2007,when nearly every member state of the Eurozone issued a 2 Euro coin to commemorate the 50th. Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.

The only Eurozone countries that did not issue a Treaty of Rome commemorative 2 Euros were Monaco,San Marino,& the Vatican City.

I've got the Irish Treaty of Rome 2 Euros in my collection,as Ireland is still classed as a British Commonwealth country by collectors.

Aidan Work W.I.N.S. No. 303.

If you are interested in British Commonwealth numismatics,you can go here; http://www.smffree.com/forums/bcnumismatics .

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