deuxième essai

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Messages : 10
Inscription : Jeu Oct 26, 2006 10:30 pm

deuxième essai

Messagepar martinrajotte » Lun Nov 06, 2006 11:32 pm


Messages : 106
Inscription : Jeu Oct 19, 2006 9:21 pm
Localisation : Wellington,New Zealand.
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This looks like an error coin.

Messagepar Royalist0007 » Jeu Nov 30, 2006 6:25 am

Martinrajotte,this looks like an error coin,not an Essai (or pattern coin).I know of only 2 British Commonwealth country that had issued coins inscribed 'ESSAI'.They are Namibia (whose pattern 100 Rand,1 & 10 Mark,& 1 & 10 Dollar coins are also inscribed 'PROBE') & the Condominium des Nouvelles-Hebrides (Condominium of the New Hebrides).

The Namibian coins are listed in Krause's 'Unusual World Coins' catalogue.The New Hebrides coins are listed in the 20th Century Krause catalogue.I have got 3 of the New Hebrides Essai coins - the 1967 10 & 20 Francs,& the 1966 silver 100 Francs crown-sized coin.

The 100 Francs Essai was once in the collection of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand,which they sold off at auction.I bought it off a friendly dealer for NZ$150.I won't ever sell these coins,as British Commonwealth patterns of issued coinage are of interest to me.

Aidan Work W.I.N.S. No. 303.

If you are interested in British Commonwealth numismatics,you can go here; .

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